Comprehensive Social Security Scheme (CSSA)
- A safety net who cannot support themselves financially - Bring their income up-prescribed level to meet their basic needs
Types of recipients
- New arrivals - Unemployed people
- Low-income people -Single parent family
- Disabled - Elderly
What is the abuse of CSSA?
- Do not have the right to enjoy the benefit of CSSA but still apply for it and get the benefits. - The applicants may have the ability to improve their economic power but they wholly rely on the income …show more content…
from CSSA.
2. Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives
Symbolic interactionism
A micro sociological perspective Society is the product of the everyday interactions of individuals Focuses on social interaction, which is basically an exchange (and negotiation) of meanings between people
Labeling Theory
The continuation of deviant act lies in the strategy adopted by the one labeled in reaction to other’s labeling. Secondary deviation - repetitive - high visibility - a severe societal reaction exist when the deviant acts is identified
Outsiders - Howard Becker
- Deviance is created by society - Deviance is a consequence of the application by others of rules and sanction to an offender - Drastic change in one’s public identity
Types of recipients
New arrivals Unemployed people Being labeled
Low-income people -Single parent family
Disabled Elderly
3. Public views towards CSSA recipients
Generally, CSSA recipients are being labeled as:
• Lazy • Deviant • Not deserved
CSSA recipients who are alleged as abuse user are those who?
Focus on the working ability
Unemployed people
Others Views: Abuse user of CSSA Laziness - lower their motivation to work
Mass Media
New arrivals
Others perspectives:
No-income Reliance on CSSA Occupying the money from taxpayers, competing for social services and resources Intruders
Disabled, Elderly and Low-income people No labeling on them
Inability to work Poor Show sympathy Have the right to enjoy the CSSA benefits
How the recipients see and response to the view of others
•Self-concept developed
- because of the impression of the public, through the interaction between them, they are more possible to have deviant behavior
- more willing to continue their action
• Guilty • Negative self-image • Fear of being discriminated
→ Increase pressure from family and the society → Hide their identity
Why do people apply CSSA even they can stand with their own feet?
• Laziness - They can get almost the same amount of money with those who works without paying any effort Examples: Unemployed people
Why do people apply CSSA even they can stand with their own feet?
According to the labeling theory
• Develop a self-concept • Accept themselves as “lazy people” , “no-income people” and CSSA dependents will not search for job opportunities, though they are able to do so.
4. Conclusion
Our Opinion
- CSSA recipients abuse the usage of CSSA is not only because of the labeling effect - There are other reasons of this abuse, such as recipients’ own problems and characteristics, social problem (e.g. high unemployment rate)
The society agrees that CSSA can help the people with financial difficulties. Those who are qualified with the requirement in the application, it is their right to receive assistance from CSSA.
However, the society misinterpret most of the recipients as abuse user.
Number of CSSA recipients in 2008-2009
Year Elderly Disabled Chronic Disease Single Parent family 36 192 Low income group 16 080 Unemployed Other Total
151 954
17 …show more content…
24 440
31 772
6 335
284 569
153 448
18 146
25 294
36 233
15 633
33 279
7 106
289 139
153 754
18 381
25 190
34 372
14 407
29 813
7 259
283 176
Source :http://www.swd.gov.hk/doc/press_release/cssa-octfig-c11.xls
The public has exaggerated the problem
The elderly, permanent disability, ill health → 69% of total cases of CSSA → the largest proportion and main recipients of CSSA
The unemployed → 10% of overall cases → The possible abuse of CSSA is not serious
2. The public neglect the difficulties faced by the unemployed They have low educational level and skills → only low wage jobs are available → least competitive in the job market → cheap labor → not just their individual responsibility, but the government should render more assistance. Once they get a stable job and self-reliance, they can stop receiving assistance. → recipients need a longer time to enter the job market
3. The public neglect society reality
Labelling impose a general identity for those CSSA recipients, including those who are in need. About 30% of people would not apply for CSSA even if they are in need. → impact of labelling : people worried of being labelled and discriminated by the society Those who do not seek assistance are being appreciated → the objective of CSSA is distorted
- Lecture notes and readings - http://hk.kpost.yahoo.com/messageBoard/topicPageDisplay?selfURIEncoded=v1%2Fmb%2Fboard%2F3 045355c-ae0c-45f9-8765-e1da71b98bd7%2Fthread%2F1300155855668-eb41f24f-3f54-41fa-b9a4-732284fb0a93 - http://paper.wenweipo.com/2009/06/24/HK0906240018.htm - http://www.swd.gov.hk/doc/press_release/cssa-octfig-c11.xls - http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/charity/20111118/00332_001.html?pubdate=20111118 - http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20111101/00407_026.html?pubdate=20111101 - http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20111101/00407_026.html?pubdate=20111101 - http://www.isd.gov.hk/chi/tvapi/07_sw71.html - http://news.sina.com.hk/news/5/1/1/1872864/1.html - http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/charity/20111120/00517_004.html?pubdate=20111120