As the two main protagonists Bridie and Sheila describe their first sightings of each other as they desperately float at sea, Bridie describes her multiple attempts of saving Sheilas life as she “nods off”, Bridie hits her with her shoe-horn, as Sheila describes “whack, whack, whack” and “tap, tap, tap”. Through the use of repetitive hyperbolized onomatopoeia and the heroic symbolism of the shoe-horn, Misto has cleverly juxtaposed these characters to show such heroism as Bridie realistically saves Sheila by such an emblematic item being the shoe horn. Also to create realism throughout the moments of this scene the use of distant sounds of lapping waves play in which this assists in creating a sense of immediacy and puts forward the notion of heroism that needed to be displayed to overcome such horrendous condition in which these girls went through. Overall Misto manipulates the responder to evoke the heroic images, as he enables the audience to empathise with the characters on such a heroic journey.
In contrast, within Scene 8 of Act one the play also influences the audience’s response to the characters and events by dealing with the theme of death. The confrontational approach of death, as quoted in italics “Bridie slaps Sheila” then followed by “you’re alive today because of me, and don’t you ever forget it”, through the stage directions, and dialogue this particular scene unravels the sudden realisation of death that the two protagonists faced as their journey was hitting a rough hit, also as Sheila states with a more saddened les aggressive tone “I hated those coffins.. I wasn’t going to see you in