The village of Tosneoc, a quant place found in the depths of the marshlands, surrounded by water, hanging dead snakes from trees, and swarms of flying pests. This village was stricken with a great curse by the Gods, unbeknownst by the people that inhabit it. This curse would bring both death and despair to the village, brought upon by the Indian boy ---. This boy, medium height, darkened hair, and had an inhuman knack to hunt all that moves, would decided to leave the village one day and hunt for himself. In the darkness of night, shadowed by the thick brush of trees, he spotted a lonely beast with yellow eyes, a slim body and a elongated tail that followed the wind. The boy, with his lust for the hunt, decided to draw his …show more content…
Without warning, a figure appeared outside of the village, this figure had four limbs, eyes as red as fire, and skin with armor shielding it from all sides. The strange creature became known to the village, as the monstrous beast dove into the water seemly too shallow to hold something of such a enormous size. The water remained still even with the movement of the monster, as it became impossible to see under the blackened water. The boy, still in the middle of his tale at the time, starred blankly into the water, and felt a sense of eerie encircle him. Within a second, the Water Beast rose from the water with great force, biting the boy with its razor sharp teeth, and dragged him under the water with the same stillness as before. The village people were sent into a great panic, as the warriors desperately tried to find and kill the Water Beast, but their search proved futile. In the middle of the village rose slowly the Spirit of the Swamp, embodied by the water and two eyes of unknown material. He spoke with a deep and powerful voice that seamlessly calmed the people but yet still invoked fear into them. The Spirit said to the people "Let this be an example to my power and rage, my tangible presence in this marsh, and the price of life and death". In an erratic attempt to appease the the Spirit of the Swamp, the shaman pleaded "Great Spirit of the Swamp, what has angered you?". The watery figure turned with a ominous slowness to make direct contact with the shaman. The Spirit of the Swamp responded "You have been proven disloyal against the swamp, and so thus you will be tested by my hand. Survive these hardships I bring to prove your loyalty and strength to me". Without warning the Spirit of the Swamp disappeared back into the water, carrying with it a great rainstorm that beard its full force against the