
Christopher Columbus Journal

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Christopher Columbus Journal

Pg 1: The nephew of one of Columbus's mens and a fan of the Italian explorer, little Miguel is my name. Curious I can be, to accompany uncle in his return journey sailing to La Isla Española , in 1493.

I was really eager to go and requested uncle to go. I even begged him but he didn't approve because little Miguel is just a kid. So stubborn I had to slip into one of their huge and crowded 17 ships.

Pg 2: During the entire trip I tried to be invisible. Hiding, stealing food and sneaking everywhere. I was just being typical.

I secretly looked at and admired the brave Christopher. I admired the way he lead everything, oh really did I wish to be an explorer like him one day and
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We arrived in La Isla Española ,got off the ship and I took my first step. It was a beautiful place with many mountains and green trees that reached the sky inhabited by strange people who Columbus called indians. It was an experience I'll never forget.

As i was to sneak into the island, avoiding getting caught Columbus’s mens, II bumped into someone and fell on the ground. As i looked up i saw a brown hand approaching me. It was a strange little bare boy who wore a little gold locket . He had brown skin with with read streak in his body and only had a leave to cover up his bottom. He helped me up by giving me a hand. I gave him the vest of mine in return and soon we became friends.

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Suddenly, BOOM a horrific noise shook the ground. Then scared I took a little peek and looked for the boy. But the little strange boy wasn't anywhere to be found.

pg6: As I wandered around searching for him,
I saw a figure from far running towards me. It was him. Little strange boy came up to me. He seemed out of breath and gestured with trembles that the angels who came here were acting like Devils.

Before I can event react, he dragged me to the place Of chaos and we hid behind a bush. I looked over and saw Columbus and his man's bathing the strange people in the sun. Spreading terror in the air and tied their hands one by one.

The indians tried to defeat with their simple hand made weapons. But they ended up just wasting their lives. After all, deers will always get defeated In a war with famished lions. Pg 7: My eyes filled with tears of sympathy.
Witnessing the sinful work of the Catholic men who was extremely religious in this night of tragedy. Oh really did I wished to help my friend's tribe out but what could I've done? Little Miguel was just as helpless as them.


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