The Trial is a Filipino drama film directed by Chito S. Roño. The story revolves around Ronald, played by John Lloyd Cruz, a 27 – year old man who suffers an intellectual disability who is working as a gardener, as well as a student in an elementary school. Ronald is attracted to a school teacher who also happens to be his tutor named Bessy, played by Jessy Mendiola. Ronald is often bullied and picked up by his much younger classmates, comparing him to Budoy, a famous telenovela character who is mentally handicapped.
Bessy on the other hand is a subject to violence by his boyfriend. She was seen by Ronald being slapped by her boyfriend. After the incident, Ronald tried to cheer up Bessy, but failed leading to both calling off their tutorial session. Ronald, relentless of uplifting the mood of up Bessy, took her to the garden to show his plants. There, they talked about Bessy’s relationship to her abusive boyfriend, and eventually Ronald’s confession of his feelings towards her. Unknowingly, a student captured a cellphone video of Ronald and Bessy.
On the other side of the story, it revolves on a couple who had recently lost their son due to a car accident. Amanda, a developmental psychiatrist, played by Gretchen Baretto and her husband, a lawyer, Julian played by Richard Gomez, are on the brink of breaking their marriage even before Martin’s (Enrique Gil) death. As the movie progresses, it was revealed that the video the student took earlier was showing Ronald trying to rape Bessy. The said video circulated around the campus while Ronald is unaware of the incident. This baffled Amanda who visited Ronald. As the story progresses, Ronald’s family received a subpoena from the court. The family seeks the help of Martin’s father, Julian, although he rejected the case. Due to their determination to find justice for their son, they now went to Amanda for assistance. There she found out the friendship of her late son and Ronald. During an outreach