“A study on consumer perception towards health insurance companies and products with special reference to claim rate”
Guided By: Submitted By:
Dr. Jitendra Sharma Neha Sharma Finance and HR MBA (III-Sem)
Chapter Page no.
Chapter I- Introduction 3 1. Conceptual Framework 3 2. Literature Review 4 3. Rationale of the Study 5 4. Objective of the Study 5
Chapter II- Research Methodology 1. The Study 6 2. The Design 6 3. The Sample 6 4. The Tools 6 * For Data Collection 6 * For Data Analysis 6
References 7
Title:- A study on consumer perception about health insurance schemes
The health insurance market covers very smaller part of the total population (about 10%) in India. Presently, schemes like Voluntary health insurance schemes or private-for-profit schemes; Employer-based schemes; Insurance offered by NGOs / community based health insurance, and Mandatory health insurance schemes or government run schemes (ESIS, CGHS) are found in India.
The health insurance market in India is unique and has developed a strong growth potential in the recent years with the entry of many foreign players in the market. The health insurance market in India was worth INR 5,125 crores with a compounded annual growth rate of 37 percent between 2002 and 2008. While the penetration of the health insurance market is still quite small, it is one of the fastest growing industries in India.
Health insurance is insurance against the risk of incurring medical expenses among