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In Sleep Debt and the Mortgaged Mind, William Dement discusses how to recognize the signs of dangerous sleepiness and urges the importance of education on sleep debt.…
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Sleeping is something we spend doing approximately one third of our human life cycle and can vary in quality from one night to another and have a tremendous impact on our daily performance when we awake the next morning by either having a lousy day or having a productive day. “Some 70 million people in the United States have a sleep problem. About 40 million adults suffer from a chronic sleep disorder; an additional 20 – 30 million have intermittent sleep-related…
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Sleep deprivation is a factor that has also contributed to the high death total every year. While many don’t know it, sleep isn’t just mental, sleep is a factor that is also connected to our immune system. In the book Sleep Thieves, our immune system is proven to be more active while we are asleep and can be disrupted of its normal response pattern with loss of sleep (Coren 171). Also, an experiment conducted in Finland had about 10,778 adult subjects where they were followed for six years, being monitored for their health and sleep times. By the end of these six years, the scientist were able to found out that the poorer sleepers from the group was two and a half times more likely to die during that testing period (Coren 173). This is very significant due to the fact that when we are sick, we are asleep through most of the sickness because it allowed the immune system to become increasingly more active. With less sleep, it puts us at risk for disease or sickness because by losing hours of sleep would result in a decreased immunity to illnesses. In addition, a Doctor named Damien Leger was apart of the US national commision of sleep disorders. He created a report full of findings in 1988 where he obtained information of resulting incidents from sleep deprivation. For example, in Dr. Leger’s findings, there were 24,318 deaths and 2,474,430 disabilities that were caused by sleep deprivation (238). This is…
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Whether it may be the looming deadline of a final paper on the Civil Rights Movement or even simply to party and have fun; now and then, everyone has faced an event which has left them awake an entire night. While many might consider that abstaining from sleep once in awhile may not do much harm, this is far from the actual truth. Abstaining from sleep, regardless of frequency, can take a serious toll on one’s body from decreased learning capacity to anxiety, depression, and even bipolar disorder.…
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Sojourner Truth in her speech, "Ain't I a Woman?" demonstrates that she's tired of inequality and fights for women's rights by having comebacks to the white men that don't think negro women like herself should have rights. In Malala Yousafika's interview, she views education as a gift and feels girl should also have the right to go to school. Both of these women feel women are as capable as men. Sojourner and Malala both express defiance against the law, show persistence for what they are fighting for, and fought morally for women's rights.…
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Sleep plays an important role in our lives. From tiny insects to humongus grizzly bears, every living thing needs sleep. We need it to carry out our daily activities and to live a long and healthy life. Many people fail to realize that sleep is as equally important as breathing, and because of this their bodys are not functioning to their full potentials. Not getting the amount of sleep your body needs can lead to mental and physical health problems. Lack of sleep impairs the mind's way of thinking, can cause health issues and affect your judgment and mood. Sleep is a vital part of life.…
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According to the National Sleep Foundation, sixty percent of Americans have sleep deprivation, an outcome of today’s advanced technology. Improvements of the technology and realization of the imaginations offer people more choices to expend their limited amount of time: for example, cell phones, which are among the greatest inventions in the twenty-first century, let people listen to music, take pictures, and even watch TV shows. Because of those innumerable entertainment options, they leave their own health as the last concern, meaning that sleep is in their least priority, without knowing how much a lack of sleep influences their life. The play Macbeth, a tragedy about the rise and fall of the protagonist, Macbeth, reveals the significance…
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Moral obligations can be seen a variety of different ways, depending on the person. Some may think it is a person’s moral obligation to submit to a law even if they believe the law is wrong. Others think the opposite, if a person believes something is unjust why would they follow it. Everyone has a different point of view and after reading The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne, The Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr., Laws Scarlet Letter by Korobkin and Lyceum Address by Lincoln, it is important to follow ones conscience. This may seem unjust, but is it just to support an unjust law? This is where the controversy comes in, and why after reading these three types of literature, the idea of supporting something unjust is completely wrong and breaks down the justice system.…
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In the face of adversity, the beliefs of an individual may be greatly altered, or even liquidated, leading to the lack of execution or bad behavior. Even if a person with strong beliefs and morals is put into a difficult and unexpected situation, they may completely and unwillingly disregard their beliefs and morals and act accordingly, or not at all. Around lots of people, when bystander apathy or diffusion of responsibility is present, the individual may be affected by it as well. In Night, Elie knew that his father was “on the brink of death, and yet [he] still abandoned him” (Wiesel 11). Elie had prayed to the “God in whom [he] no longer believed” to never abandon his father, yet at such a difficult time, he simply did it (Wiesel 97). In the Perils of Obedience, the subject, Prozi, first “[refused] to take the responsibility” because the subject was in there “hollering” (Milgram 23). Immediately after the Experimenter said that he was “responsible for anything that happens to him”, the Prozi simply said “all right” (Milgram 23). This proves that the majority of people in a difficult situation will simply wait for somebody else to take responsibility for any wrong doings, or lack of action at all. If the experimenter remained silent, Prozi would have immediately stopped, knowing all responsibility lay on him. In the face of adversity, anyone’s beliefs can be changed, either because the individual is dumbfounded and doesn’t know what to do, or because they know that the responsibility of something horrid, is not…
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Inadequate sleep occurs within 25 percent of U.S. adults, roughly 15 out of every 30 days adults report insufficient sleep or rest. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office 2009) The awareness of sleep health education and promotion strategies are desperately needed to address the importance of sleep health across age, race, education, and socioeconomic groups. (Healthy People 2020) In awareness of sleep health education programs implemented can increase awareness of common sleep disorders, such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and SDB. (Healthy People 2020) Sleep health education programs are much needed in workplaces, where they can educate and promote better work schedules and motivate their employees to reframe from working longer hours and therein reduce the risk to health and safety. (Healthy People…
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Many negative consequences result from the ongoing sleep deprivation. Students find it hard to wake up in the morning, not necessarily because they are lazy, but because their body clock is mismatched with the demands of life, and because irregular sleep interferes with their sleep cycle; resulting in increased difficulties falling asleep at night and waking up in the…
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The people of America live in a country whose citizens are gifted with the system of Democracy where each person has their voice represented in decisions of the nation. The inherent responsibility of each voting age citizen of America is to research the positions and views of all candidates that represent them and then punch, mark, or press the space next to the candidate that they believe would best represent him or her. But not all Americans would care to look closely at the opinions of the election candidates especially in a race as highly publicized as the modern presidential elections.…
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Depending on a person’s age they should get a certain amount of sleep to get the most out of their brain. For example, in source one “if a person lost 2 hours of sleep each night, they’ll have a sleep debt of 14 hours after a week.” This shows that they need a certain amount of sleep because they can not get back lost sleep. It also shows that if someone misses sleep it will add up and you will not get the most not of your brain. In conclusion, determining on their age they should get a certain amount of sleep because a person can not get back lost sleep.…
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