ID: 20080472
Course: Comm 101
Section: 26
Write a Synthesis Essay on Gender Communication
Instructor: Vicky Taylor
Submitted on: 12-22-2008
Humans intended to reach God, as he was there just above the ground. There, they got their punishments at the Tower of Bable, where their languages were confused so that they could not interact. Although the Bible includes this story of separation of languages of races, there is neither evidence nor legend on how the languages of men and women were separated. However, women and men too almost have their own vocabulary along with words referred specifically to each. The crucial question is what made …show more content…
That is why their duties and statuses were clearly separated with a bold line. The Afghan proverb Nilsen introduced that is “If you see an old man sit and take a lesson, if you see an old woman throw a stone (69)” helps us to take a glance at the big picture and shows that men are always viewed as a symbol of wisdom. In addition to that the phrases “grandfatherly advice” and “old wives’ tale supports the idea that women are in a position where they talk about less serious subjects. As Lakoff asserts women defining colors as “mauve” or “lavender” is because they do not have to make decisions on important matters. This passive image of women besides the seemingly virtuous and powerful men also brings difference in words that are referred to them. Surely it is not a coincidence that the word “shrew” that has the meaning ill-tempered women gains a positive connotation when used for men in the form shrewd meaning clever. We also do not refer to women as flowers in deliberately whereas calling men with animal names which are symbols of power. Both the proverbs and the words being referred to each sex are a reflection of the taboos in our minds and are the product of humans’ roles in community throughout history. If we want to change that and put the differences aside, it is necessary to totally equalize their roles in daily