The entire purpose of this paper is to find out the answer to the question: How does technology affect our daily lives?” Many different sources said many different things, however they somehow all connected at one point or another. “Body and Soul: Beware of Digital Gluttony,” by Kate Wicker, suggests that technology is now apart of us and our lives and there isn't much we can do to change it. “Technology is a real part of our lives, we are living in an “ICulture” whether we like it or not.” (Wicker. Pg.21) She has made it clear that she believes that whether we see technology in a positive or negative way, it’s here to stay. However, Williesha Morris, author of “Technology Addiction: Breaking the Chain,” says something a little different. “If you're an executive over the age of 30-35, you remember a time when such devices didn’t exist. They weren’t needed then, so why are they so crucial now?” (Morris.Pg.17) Morris seems to believe that we don't need them today, or she's at least questioning why society relies on technology as much as it does. Article “Technology and Society: Technology NOT,” by Virginia R. Rose gives a reason behind how today’s students rely on digital devices. “Our dependence on technology is so strong, it is often difficult for younger students to imagine there are times when technology fails us.” …show more content…
Technology has become a huge part of our lives, there is no denying it. Our every waking minute, (and even when we’re asleep sometimes) is being consumed by the power of technology. Do you like to listen to soothing ocean music or the sounds of a forest to go to sleep? Guess what? You’re using technology, even while sleeping! We’re constantly on our phones or laptops checking the weather, checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, MySpace (Just kidding! That’s not a thing anymore!), Pinterest,