A professional who specializes in analyzing and designing business systems
A specialist responsible for modifying or developing programs to satisfy user requirements
People who, either themselves or through the organization they represent, ultimately benefit from the systems development project.
People who will interact with the system regularly
Role and Tasks of System Analyst
The primary objective of any system analyst is to identify the need of the organization by acquiring information by various means and methods. Information acquired by the analyst can be either computer based or manual. Collection of information is the vital step as indirectly all the major decisions taken in the organizations are influenced. The system analyst has to coordinate with the system users, computer programmers, manager and number of people who are related with the use of system. Following are the tasks performed by the system analyst:
Defining Requirement: The basic step for any system analyst is to understand the requirements of the users. This is achieved by various fact finding techniques like interviewing, observation, questionnaire etc. It involves interviewing users and finding out what information they use in current system and how they use it, what information they lack, which if provided will allow them to do their job better. The analyst then determines how such information can be generated.
The information should be collected in such a way that it will be useful to develop such a system which can provide additional features to the users apart from the desired
Prioritizing Requirements: Number of users use the system in the organization. Each one has a different requirement and retrieves different information. Due to certain limitations in computing capacity it may not be possible to satisfy the needs of all the users. Even if the computer capacity is good enough is it necessary to take some tasks and update