HCS/482 – Health Care Informatics
Systems Media Table: Comparison
|System |Purposes |Examples |Uses |
|Word processor |The purpose of a word processor |Microsoft Windows created MS |A word processor allows the user|
| |is to create text documents to |Word and MAC created Pages as |to edit, format, change font, |
| |support communication and assist|its word processing software. |and produce desktop publishing |
| |the writer to accomplish |Google Docs is another example |documents that can be exported |
| |whatever tasks he or she sets |of word processing software. |and posted on the Web. Other |
| |out to do (Englebardt & Nelson, |This application allows for |functions of a word processor |
| |2002). It includes writing, |instant exchange of information |include allowing formatting |
| |editing, formatting, and storage|between group members working on|capabilities, using color and |
| |of text that is displayed when |tasks together (Manohar, |graphics to create newsletters, |
| |the user is typing. |Anderson, Thornberry, & Ling, |and brochures (Englebardt et |
| | |2011). |al., 2002). |
|Hierarchical database |Hierarchical databases (HD), |Examples of a HD would include a|HD is useful when information |
| |first used by IBM in 1960, are |list of staff members
References: Chaiken, B. P. (2001). Medical expert systems update. Advance for Health Information Executives Englebardt, S. P. & Nelson, R. (2002). Health Care Informatics: An Interdisciplinary Approach. St. HealthIT.gov (n.d.). Certifications programs and policies. Retrieved Feb. 5, 2013 from http://www.healtit.gov/policy-researchers-implementers/about-certification Manohar, P., Anderson, D., Thornberry, B., & Ling, C. (2011). Word vs. google docs: Performance of computer assisted synergetic text editing systems