One of the symbols on my tabernacle is a chi-rho, ☧, Chi Rho is one of the earliest forms of a Christian symbol, and is used by some Christians.
It is formed by the first two letters "chi" and "rho", which resembles the English letters "P" and "X" of the Greek word "ΤΟΣΤΟΣ" which means "Christ". Although not a Christian cross, the Chi-Rho symbolizes the authority of Jesus, which means the status of Christ. The Chi-Rho symbol was also used by the Greek scribes to mark a particularly valuable passage. The combined letters stand out for good. Another symbol on my tabernacle is a cross, ♰, the shape of the cross, as represented by the letter T, became the symbol of Christianity in the second century. Clement, at the beginning of the third century, called it the sign of the cross. He repeats the idea that number 318 in Genesis was a prefiguration of the cross and of Jesus. While the first Christians used the "T" form to represent the cross in the scriptures, the use of the Greek cross and the Latin cross also appears in Christian
The significance of a tabernacle is to preserve the Eucharist. It is a structure resting on pillars and covered with a fabric, also known as a tower-shaped building to preserve the Eucharist. That is to say, it is only the name of the affair placed on the altar where the cups containing the Eucharist are preserved. As a rule, in churches, you must put the tabernacle on the altar because of the Eucharist. Many decisions have been made concerning the tabernacle. Images should not be displayed for veneration either on or before the tabernacle. It is not permitted to place a vase of flowers in this manner before the door of the tabernacle to hide it. The interior of the tabernacle must be covered with white silk, but the exterior must be covered with white silk every day, or be changed according to the color of the day.