An fMRI Study on the Separate Mechanisms of Visual and Tactile Memory
An fMRI Study on the Separate Mechanisms of Visual and Tactile Memory
An overview of Tactile Memory
Tactile memory is part of sensory memory systems and it is the recollection of information acquired via touch. It is one of the primitive sensory codes that are used as interacting familiar objects. It is not only important to interact with familiar objects but it is also necessary to interact with novel objects with similar size. Traces of tactile information is similar to iconic memory in terms of duration of the trace since it lasts for a short time and it is vulnerable to decay after almost two seconds (Gallace, &Spence, 2009).
One of the earliest experimental studies on tactile memory was conducted by Bliss, Crane, Mansfield, and Townsend (1966). In this study, they investigated the characteristics of immediate recall for brief tactile stimuli applied to the hand. The results obtained showed a haptic memory store remarkably similar to the visual memory store. Similar to tests of visual sensory memory, it was also found that haptic memory performance was significantly improved with the use of partial report procedures. In a recent study, Gallace and Spence (2009) also verified these findings. According to Bliss and colleagues, the difference between partial report and whole report is the result of a sensory form of memory for passively presented tactile stimuli with a high capacity and short duration.
Furthermore, Gilson and Baddeley (1969) argued that memory for stimuli applied to the skin is resilient for approximately ten seconds after removal of the stimulus, even when the individual is engaged in tasks that inhibit verbal rehearsal. After this delay, the memory trace becomes vulnerable to forgetting as it decays from the haptic memory store and begins to rely on a more central memory store.
Although tactile memory
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