He cast a quick glance at his feet, where two droplets of blood swelled painfully, and took the knife from the waist. The snake saw the threat, and the head sank lower in the center of your spiral, but the machete fell back, dislocating the vertebrae.
The man fell to the bite, droplets of blood removed, and for a moment looked. A sharp pain born of two purple dots, and began to invade the entire foot. Hastily ligated ankle with his handkerchief and continued by the bite to his ranch.
The increased foot pain, feeling of taut bulge, and the man suddenly felt two …show more content…
The terrible dry throat that seemed warm breath more, increased pace. When tried to sit up, a fulminating vomiting kept him half a minute with his head resting on the wooden wheel.
But man does not want to die, and went down to the coast to his canoe. He sat in the stern and began to shovel into the center of Paraná. There the river current, which runs near the Iguazu six miles, would take five hours before Tacurú-Pucú.
The man, with dark energy, could effectively reach the middle of the river, but there numb hands dropped the shovel in the canoe, and after re-vomiting blood this time, glanced at the sun and the mountain trasponía .
The whole leg, mid-thigh, was already a very hard block busting deformed and clothing. The man cut the tie and opened his pants with his knife: the underbelly overflowed bloated, livid spots large and terribly painful. The man thought he could never get himself to Tacurú-Pucú, and decided to seek help from his friend Alves, but long ago they were disgusted.
The river now rushing toward the Brazilian coast, and the man could easily dock. He crawled through the bite uphill, but at twenty feet, exhausted, lay on his chest.
- Alves! Cried how hard could, and listened in