Philomela resorting to her “mental” control, works on a scheme to get her sister’s attention, escape imprisonment and then seek revenge. By using her hands since she cannot use her tongue, she weaves the story into a tapestry and sends it to her sister. Once the tapestry is received by Procne, she immediately feels overwhelmed by the information she is being told. “By devouring single idea/Of revenge. Revenge/Had swallowed her whole being” (223). Even Procne felt the quick urge to seek revenge on her husband’s cheating and vicious act on her sister. Once reunited, the sisters plot a plan to blindside Tereus and attack him mentally in attempt to regain their
Philomela resorting to her “mental” control, works on a scheme to get her sister’s attention, escape imprisonment and then seek revenge. By using her hands since she cannot use her tongue, she weaves the story into a tapestry and sends it to her sister. Once the tapestry is received by Procne, she immediately feels overwhelmed by the information she is being told. “By devouring single idea/Of revenge. Revenge/Had swallowed her whole being” (223). Even Procne felt the quick urge to seek revenge on her husband’s cheating and vicious act on her sister. Once reunited, the sisters plot a plan to blindside Tereus and attack him mentally in attempt to regain their