“The Odyssey” is a story about a King named Odysseus, who goes off to lead a war and is separated from his family and kingdom for 20 years. While he is away for so many years his son grows up into a man and helps his mother; Odysseus’ wife, Penelope rules the kingdom. After many years of Odysseus being gone, suitors or “wooers” arrive trying to win over the queen. When Odysseus gets back he brutally slaughters everyone who was involved with the suitor’s plans, including the innocent servant women, who were working in his castle at the time.
Odysseus could have easily spared the servant women’s lives; in the story all they did was take orders like they were supposed to. Also there were several suitors who didn’t deserve to die either. He could have made them leave …show more content…
Odysseus ordered the women to clean up the messes of the dead suitors, and then gathered them up for their own execution. What these people did may have been wrong in the eyes of Odysseus, but that’s insanely cruel. He could have just sent them back to where they came from or banish them from Ithaca. There are an endless amount of punishments that would have been more sufficient, but like any enraged ruler from this era, he killed dozens of innocent people