Tanglewood’s Strategic Decisions
Cody Hobson
Upper Iowa University
Table of Contents
1. Introduction…..P. 3 2. Staffing Levels….P. 3 a. Acquire or Develop Talent….P. 3 - 4 b. Hire Yourself or Outsource….P. 4 - 5 c. External or Internal Hiring….P. 5 d. Core or Flexible Workforce….P. 5 - 6 e. Hire or Retain….P. 6 f. National or Global…P. 6 - 7 g. Attract or Relocate….P. 7 h. Overstaff or Understaff….P. 8 i. Short- or Long-Term Focus….P. 8 3. Staffing Quality…..P. 8 j. Person/Job or Person/Organization Match….P. 9 k. Specific or General KSAOs….P. 9 l. Exceptional or Acceptable Workforce Quality….P. 10 m. Active or Passive Diversity….P. 10 4. Conclusion….P. 10 - 11
Tanglewood’s Strategic Decisions
Within this report there will be comparisons regarding to Tanglewood’s competitors, their structure, employees, culture, values, and human resource functions. There will be recommendations throughout on how the organization should staff its operations, focusing on strategic decisions pertaining to staffing levels and quality.
Staffing Levels
Acquire or Develop Talent Determining whether or not to acquire or develop talent is solely based on the amount of time and cost that the organization is willing to put into their new employees. In order to achieve the company’s staffing requirements, a theoretical gain within the staffing strategy would encourage the company to focus on obtaining new employees that are willing and able to be a self-starter by bringing their educational experience, knowledge, and professional experience into their new position within the company with minimal to zero assistance or training. Within Tanglewood determining whether to concentrate solely on acquired or developed talent would depend on the department within the organization. Any form of leadership placement such as management, or
References: Heneman, Herbert G. III, and Judge, Timothy A.; Staffing Organizations (2009). 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin Kammeyer-Mueller, John: Tanglewood Casebook (2009). 6th Edition