To: Marilyn Gonzalez and Daryl Perrone
Date: October 16, 2014
Subject: Tanglewood Case 4: Measurement and Validation
We have conducted an analysis of the new selection methods used in our processes for Store Associate. We have included 10 Seattle-based stores, and an adequate sample size of employees both in the pilot locations as well as outside the pilot locations. We evaluated the retail market exam, Marshfield customer service bio-data questionnaire and essay, Marshfield appellant exam, and personality exam. All stores collected data on education, work experience, and interview scores. They were correlated to four indicators of performance included on annual performance reviews. These indicators are citizenship, absence, performance, and promotion potential. After an analysis of the new selection methods used in hiring candidates for the position of Store Associate, we have come to the following conclusions:
Based on descriptions and test data, the proposed hiring tools have varying degrees of practical and statistical significance.
Bio-data: These exams are questions for significant life experiences that are potentially associated with performance at work. It is relatively expensive to administer at a $10 fee per applicant. There is an updated computerized version which has a higher start-up fee but no per-applicant fee. This method has a statistically significant moderate correlation with successful promotion potential.
Personality Exam: This exam seeks to measure a candidate’s conscientiousness and level of extraversion. These traits are considered by Daryl Perrone to be the most relevant traits for the position of a retail clerk. The conscientiousness portion of the exam has a statistically significant moderate correlation with absence. The extraversion