1.1 Explain the functions of assessment in learning and development
Initial assessment in identifying learner needs
Initial assessment is the starting point of a learning journey. The information gathered provides a base on which to plan your learner’s progress. Initial assessment is very important so you find out the learners individual needs in order for you to support them appropriately.
Formative assessment in tracking learner progress
The purpose of the formative assessment is to monitor and guide the learner through a process while it is still in progress rather than assessing the learner when the project is complete. The formative assessment is basically a form of informal observation where the assessor can make decisions regarding specific problems with the instruction and determine how well learner is responding to the instruction. The observations "form" the current lesson and future lessons.
Summative assessment in assessing learner achievement
Summative assessment focuses on learning completed. It gives learners the opportunity to demonstrate to themselves, to you, to each other or to others who are significant to them .It shows the learner how far they have moved towards there achievement. 1.2 Define the key concepts and principles of assessment
Assessment as a process of making judgments of learner’s knowledge, skills and competence against set criteria
Assessment is the process of judging a learner’s knowledge, skills and competence against the standards/specifications set by an awarding body. As a result of this process, you can assess a learner as being competent or not yet competent and you will judge the evidence they produce as being either sufficient or insufficient for them to have reached an appropriate standard.
What is meant by validity and reliability?
Validity is the degree to which the particular assessment