References: “Tasers Safety Issues”. Retrieved 20 November 2011. Web
References: “Tasers Safety Issues”. Retrieved 20 November 2011. Web
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has a duty to investigate all incidents when the police open fire. It says that the officers also used a Taser stun gun and that it has recovered CCTV footage from the scene.…
Tom Stamatakis of the BC Police Association states, “Accountability is both necessary and appropriate. But when it comes to the CEW, I think we have gone beyond the tolerance both for police services and for police officers who prefer to avoid what seems to be inevitable criticism, regardless of the circumstances that led to any deployment.” (SC, 2013, p. 20). He continues that because of the increased scrutiny regarding CEWs, officers are choosing not to use the weapon and are even letting their certification expire. Other reasons officers are reluctant to carry Tasers include varying levels of understanding CEW policies, deployment threshold considerations and a lack of trust (SC, 2013). Since 2007, Taser use has dropped a whopping 87%. BC police officers used their Taser 640 times that year compared to 85 deployments in 2011, due to stricter regulations and higher behavior thresholds. For the RCMP, the frequency of CEW discharges decreased by 83 percent from 2007 (390) to 2011 (65). Independent municipal agencies’ discharges decreased by 92 percent over the same time period (from 250 to 20). In fact, CEW use has decreased across all major law enforcement agencies including the RCMP “E” Division, Police Services Division, BC Sheriff Service Division and the Adult Custody Division (SC, 2013). It is important to note that the huge reduction in CEW use does not mean police are turning to their guns- a tool of last…
Most importantly, ECD’s prevent the use of other dangerous alternatives such as guns, pepper spray, or nightsticks. Also, in the personal interview with Corporal Streett, he brought up an interesting fact about police officers’ training in regards to lethal force. “Shooting to incapacitate” when using a Taser means to aim anywhere on the body except for the face and chest, which seems a common sense fact to prevent unwanted effects other than brief incapacitation. “Shooting to incapacitate” when referring to guns and lethal force, however, means aiming for the face and chest area (Streett, personal communication, 2013). A brief ECD shock to the arms, legs, or back is much less commonly lethal than a gunshot to the face or chest. Finally, Corporal Streett stated that Tasers were so effective because, while someone is in the process of being tased, it is extremely painful. He views this as positive, because most assailants only need a Taser warning to comply with the officers, and no real force is needed. ECD’s are an effective choice because they have less chance of fatalities or injuries, and are a daunting option to criminals to strongly urge them to respond without…
The decisions made in McCulloch v. Maryland recognized and explained to the United States the nation’s need for a strong central government. After fighting in the War of 1812, the United States of America experienced a significant amount of disarray and difficulty without a bank to supervise the country’s finances and to provide a reliable institution that the population could depend on amidst all the chaos. Alexander Hamilton’s idea of a national bank would serve the purpose of providing one common institution that could help the entire country through its difficult times, but first the federal government needed to exercise supreme power over the state governments in order to ever possibly complete that task. While the federal government and…
As stated on the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) website, “every day, law enforcement officers face danger while carrying out their responsibilities. When dealing with a dangerous-or unpredictable-situation, police officers usually have very little time to access it and determine the proper response.” Proper training techniques about how to access and handle situations teach officers how to implement use of force. “The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in its study, Police Use of Force in America 2001, defined use of force as ‘the amount of effort required by the police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject.’” There are many instances of abuse of how the use of force protocol is abused by an officer and very little done about…
The solution to problem of police brutality must begin with an reevaluation of the police department as a whole. Law enforcement must make an effort to assure citizens that they trying to protect the community and show that they are not looking to intimidate people. Police departments should revise and reexamine their training exercises in order to provide a solution to excessive force. New training methods should be provided on setting and situations that usually lead to police brutality. Police officers should be trained on how to correctly use pepper spray, how to handle routine traffic stops , and how to handle mentally ill citizens. Although there has been some progress in training and the have introduced new technology such as body cameras there are still incidents of racial profiling and police brutality. With continued training and education within the police department, there will be less brutalities and…
The use of taser should be permitted to extend that such use is necessary to police officers should have some understanding of the effects that using weapon is likely to have upon a suspect before using the weapon.…
A Taser is an electrical weapon used by the NSW Police Force. It is designed to incapacitate human beings and to prevent fatalities and permanent injuries. The use of Tasers by the NSW Police Force is regulated under the LEPR Act 2002 (NSW), which highlights that police are not to use Tasers until they have properly assessed the situation and the environment. Tasers are used to protect human life, police, or anyone who is in danger of any bodily risk, violent confrontation or violent resistance. Under the LEPR Act 2002 (NSW), police are accountable and responsible for their use of force and must be able to justify their use of a Taser. This demonstrates that discretion through the use of a Taser protects individuals from harm, as well as meeting the needs of the…
There are different types of police brutality. What starts out as a simple altercation turns into a real sticky situation because police do not know when they have gone too far when it comes to force. Excessive force, false arrestment or imprisonment, malicious prosecution, unreasonable search, and rights of pre-trail detainees are all different types of police brutality. Police are supposed to use force when they are trying to restrain an individual who is physically restricting arrest. If a police officer uses extra force that is unnecessary such as hitting or kicking or anything of that kind and the…
Sandra Bland was arrested for not using her signal light while turning. She refused to get out of the car so the officer opened the door and tried to pull her out. Officer Encinia told Bland she was under arrest. She repeatedly asked why. The trooper did not answer, other than to say, "I am giving you a lawful order. "At one point, after Officer Encinia aimed what appeared to be a Taser at Bland, she stepped out of her car. Later, she can be heard saying: “You’re a real man now. You just slammed me, knocked my head in the ground." (Hassan, Carma, Holly Yan, and Max Blau. "Sandra Bland's Family Settles for $1.9M in Wrongful Death Suit." CNN. Cable News Network, 15 Sept. 2016. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.) This is what I mean by Police Officers using unnecessary force on us in minor situations. If I were to see these shootings by police officers and then to get pulled over by one, I would not get out of the car so easily either. It is so scary getting pulled over by police officers these days because you never know what kind of cop is pulling you…
Batons have been around for a long time. It indicates that after so many years police brutality is still a problem and the men who do the damage see no consequences. In “What Has Changed about Police Brutality in America”, it states that in Los Angeles in 1991, a man named Rodney King was beaten down to the ground by five police officers with batons. People were angry because the officers were not held accountable for the down fall (Flatow). This was the case that opened up the eyes of the people who doubted this problem to police brutality. Many people have been beaten down and even killed by officers who have been able to walk away without having any…
[ 10 ]. Kane, Elizabeth. First commercial surrogate in the United States. Active in coalition against surrogacy…
The deaths and injuries to civilians under the hands of police officers should be avoided. The use of technology helps bring many of these issues to light. Although police brutality is still happening today many things have changed and will continue to change if people keep fighting for it. Since the cases of Rodney King, Timothy Thomas, and Eric Garner new policies and provisions have been enforced in an effort to reduce and put a stop to police brutality. There is still a long way to go but change is…
Police work is dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality should be addressed. The use of excessive force may or may not be large problem, but it should be looked into by both the police and the public.…
Police use of force is something used by law enforcement to contain and control the situation. Use of force has been frowned upon throughout the history of the United States. There have been many situations that citizens think could have been handled differently and the use of force was to much or excessive. Throughout the history of the United States there have been a different take on the use of force by police. Many citizens think that it is nessasary for police to use their discretion when choosing how ruff they should be on the suspect. While others believe that it should be minimal depending on the situation, for example and if man has a weapon, deadly force may be needed to contain the situation and save the officers life but if they…