|Candidate |Candidate No |
|Provider |Assessor |
Please use this proforma to report on your first situation. In the right-hand column, you should record the principal standards that you think that you have evidenced by this activity: use the reference numbers S1-S39.
|5.1a Brief description of the activity, event or situation |
|Recognising a child with advanced abilities and supporting the staff and his parents to challenge and further his …show more content…
Following a specific observation of the child’s cognitive development, I concluded | |
|that, in terms of the development matters statements, he was exhibiting confidence to cognition that is related to the |S10 |
|later stages of his age range. Although the practitioners recognised that the child was “advanced”, no personalised | |
|provision had been put in place to challenge his accomplished cognitive ability. I conducted further observations and | |
|found that the child had high levels of concentration but that the resources and activities provided him with limited | |
|scope to be enjoyable or sustainable. I discussed this matter with the manager of the setting who was keen for me to | |
|conduct an Early Literacy Test and further ‘official’ judgments of the child’s skills using the EYFS assessment |