CYP 3.1-3.1
How to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods
The main methods are health assessments from health visitors and doctors, to check children are healthy and reaching health and development targets. For example the Apgar score assesses the condition of baby at birth.
Childcare practitioners and teachers monitor in education, through early years foundation stage profiles to ensure children are achieving developmental goals in all aspects of learning. The profiles are then used to inform the higher stages (Key Stage 1) of teaching and learning, of what the children have achieved up to age 5. Childcare practitioners tend to use key activity plans and narrative or long observations to record a child’s progress in conjunction with the EYFS framework. For example when looking at PSE Making Relationships there is an aspect called recognising familiar faces, where the practitioner could use pictures of family and people who are familiar to the child. Asking the child to point to or name who is in the pictures. This would be checked off if they were able to achieve this and recorded as to how they undertook the task. In my placement they also use photographic evidence to supplement the record. These photos have comments on what the child has achieved attached to them, and are then placed in the child’s record. In placement I record a child’s progress by timed sampling, checklists and narrative observations. Key activity plans cover a group of children while timed sampling, check lists and narrative observations covers an individual child.
CYP 3.1- 3.3, CYP 3.7- 3.1
The potential impact of disability, special requirements (additional needs) and attitudes on positive outcomes for children and young people on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people
The potential impact of disability means that children with a disability will need additional support in the areas of development, care and education. This