You will also need to compare the challenges faced by
Jaguar within these economic environments (M2)
Uk- Jaguar has different economic environments, it has a strategic growth to china and india .The company has now started to build a manufacturing plant in the east of China in combination with local carmaker to serve what is already Jaguar Land Rover's biggest single market and avoid a
25% import tax.
Jaguar is also looking at building a factory in Saudi Arabia. "economic environment in the standalone business was more than offset by strong d emand f or new products, growth in volumes, richer product mix and richer geographic mix at Jaguar Land Rover," the company said in a statement.
The economic environment consists of external factors in a business' market and the broader economy that can influence a business. You can divide the economic environment into the microeconomic environment, which affects business decision making. Such as individual actions of firms and consumers
- and the macroeconomic environment, which affects an entire economy and all of its participants . Many economic f actors act as external constraints on your business, which means that you have little, if any, control over them.
PESTEL i s a tool used by marketers t o monitor the environmental (external marketing environment) factors that have an impact on an organisation. The result of which is used to i dentify t hreats and weaknesses PESTEL stands for:
● P – Political
● E – Economic
● S – Social
● T – Technological
● E – Environmental
● L – Legal
Factors that affect the economy: