Natasha McGill – Task 9
Supporting children’s behaviour can be key to a happy environment, in this report I will be describing typical behaviours exhibited by children linked to different developmental stages.
0-6 Months
At this age the only way a child can communicate is by crying, some babies do it more than others. If the baby is unsettled I will try to settle the baby by checking their nappy is clean/dry, checking they are not hungry/thirsty and also checking they do not have wind. I will give the baby as much attention as I could and if I felt as though something wasn't right I would seek advice from a Health Professional.
6-18 Months
Around this age a child will begin to explore the world around them by touching, tasting, looking and listening. They will begin to develop their own initiative but will want their parents/carers around to feel safe. They may become curious and easily distracted and their language skills will start to develop. They may want to try to feed themselves and become fussy about what they eat. Temper tantrums are a typical behaviour at this age.
Tantrums are normal for this age, ways I can make it work better are: ignore the tantrum as long as the child is safe try to anticipate the likely times these will occur distract the child if I can comfort the child if they will let me be prepared for situations that i can’t avoid – keep toys handy, try to give the child some attention even when I am busy.
I can help the child’s development if I: provide a safe environment love and nurture them use specific praise – great climbing, good clapping, well done for sitting there expose them to a variety of experiences and places remember that most children eat what they need let them take as much time as they need to do things don’t criticise or shame them enjoy what they can do and don’t expect them to understand things they’re