(Task-Based Approach)
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. Describe the beauty of the world;
B. Compose a cinquain using the words from their word bank; and
C. Show appreciation of the Earth through poster making.
D. Take an oath to save the Earth
II. Subject Matter: Describing Words (Adjectives)
A. Reference
B. Materials
III. Procedure
A. Pre-Tasks
Unlocking of Difficulties
The students have to fix the jumbled letters in order for them to guess the word being portrayed by the given set of pictures.
Poor cold Motivation
Adjective Elimination
The class is divided into two (or more) teams to play this adjective elicitation game. To play one round, show to the two groups a picture. For the next sixty seconds, each member must write down as many words to describe the picture as he or she can think of on the given Manila paper. At the end of the minute, have groups compare their lists. Any word both groups listed gets crossed off. Each student gets one point for every remaining adjective and minus one point for every word which is not an adjective for his team. Continue until everyone has had a turn up front. The team with the most points wins the game.
Clip presentation (Poem)
The students will watch a clip of the poem “All Things Bright And Beautiful”
Motive Questions
What makes the world beautiful?
Is the world still beautiful? Explain
As a student, what simple ways can you contribute to maintain (bring back) the beauty of the world?
What is the real essence of beauty?
What specific form of nature represents your personality? Explain
If given the power to wish something about nature, what would it be and why? B. While Task
Gallery Walk “It’s My World” –Group Activity
The students will draw their ideal world in a piece of Cartolina paper. Afterwards, each of them will describe their