The story of Tata begins in 1868 when a young boy named Jamsetji Tata joined his father's small trading company. Thirty-five years later, that same boy was the owner of India's largest textile company, Tata Textile. Over the last century, Tata has excelled in many different business sectors including Materials (Steel and Mining), Agriculture, Energy, Consumer Products, Information Technology, Consultancy, Finance, Automobiles, Chemicals, Engineering and Hospitality. Tata Group of Industries reported $17.6 billion in revenues in 2005, which is equivalent to 2.8 percent of India's GDP. In 2006, it is projecting its annual revenue to be around $24 billion. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of Tata's revenues for the fiscal year 2004-05 between the separate business sectors and how much it contributed to Tata as a whole. Tata is one of the world's largest employers, and is the largest private employer in India with about 222,000 employees. India is known to many as a very diverse country; there are 26 states in India and the culture of each is extremely different from the others in language and lifestyle. This diverse culture within India makes Tata's human resources department work to lead major changes across the vastly different cultures of the employees that exist within Tata as a whole group. Tata's management training center located in Pune serves as a corporate school to help Tata's managers learn how to lead such a diverse workforce.
National Culture of India
There are several issues that need to be addressed before entering a new country expecting to maximize profits. One such issue is the culture of the country where the firm wants to enter, as there are many differences in the culture of business practices and the way things are generally done. Doing business internationally is affected by the way a society functions on the macro level with factors including the size of economy, wealth of the citizens, religion, race, etc. There has
Bibliography: "Tata sees South Africa as car assembly hub" Business Standard; March 24,2005 – "Country Briefings: South Africa"; February 6, 2006 "Your guide to investing in Southern Africa",; February 8, 2006 Grandes, Martin "An eye on the Rand", The Economist print edition; December 8, 2005. "Your Guide to Investing in South Africa",; February 8, 2006 "Tata Indica a Hit in South Africa," Indo-Asian News Service "Tata Motors Impacts S. African Market," Sify Business. Sify Ltd., May 16, 2005. Sasi, Anil and Kaushik, Neha. "India Inc makes inroads into Africa – Auto Majors, pharma cos join the fray," The Hindu Business Line. December 2, 2004. "Overall Vehicle Market," National Association of Automobile Manufacturer 's of South Africa "Tata Motors Acquires Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company," Deccan Herald. February 19, 2004. Ajmera, Mitesh and Narang, Gautam Datamonitor, "Ford Company Profile." EBSCOHost, Business Source Premier. March 10, 2006.