Group 2: Chun Fai Wong (Karson) WOCHD1201 Wei-Hsiang Liang (Jasper) LIWJD1201 Zongxi Yao (Jonathan) YAZOD1101 Feng Wenye (Emma) FEWFD1102 Zhao Jiajun ZHJPD1201
! Executive Summary The following report is to analyze the marketing plan for the Tata Nano in India. Tata Nano is a city car produced by Tata motors. It was designed to be the smallest, cheapest car in India, and also one of the lowest powered, which is aimed to be affordable by the Indians. The “people car” in India was first put on production on 2008, however, the sales performance is not optimistic at first because of the unsuccessful marketing strategy. According to Cavusgil S. and Shaoming Z. (1994), there is a close relationship between marketing strategy and business performance. Nano was first market as a family car, but there was a lot of dissatisfaction regarding certain features of the car, including the steering and the noise from the engine (Ahmedabad, 2012). This year the company has positioning the Tata Nano as a modern city car with a better looking and multi choices of color (Nano 2012). This report will focus on the city car market and initially analyze the market in India and some relevant factors including its competitor, consumer group and SWOT analysis. The major target market of Tata Nano only has one market segments—public in India. This report will discuss the reason in details and predict the future development and some other possible countries for sale. The sales objective is to increasing sales volume this year. The sales of Tata nano during the year 2011 stood at 74,527 (Ahmedabad, 2012). However, with a better looking of nano this year and some other improvement, the sales of Nano will has a better performance in year 2012. This report will also give some recommendations, by analyzing the marketing mix and the situation of the company and its competitor at first.
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