The Digital Repository of Nanyang Technological University (DR-NTU) has adopted a taxonomy with the intention of facilitate the search and retrieval of information. In addition, the goal of the taxonomy is to provide value to the repository and provide a good interface for the users, allowing a soft navigation through their collections. In the present paper we provide an overview of the main characteristics of the current taxonomy and we assess whether the taxonomy fulfil its goal or not. According with informal interviews with users from NTU and users outside of NTU and with the analysis of the present structure, we found that the taxonomy could be improved if is simplified and focus in the global academic community.
1. Introduction 2. Background of DR-NTU 3. Information Needs of Users in DR-NTU 4.1. Informal discussions with the Users
3.2. Suggestions from NTU Staff and Students
3.3. Suggestions from External People 4. Problems Encountered 5. Steps Taken for the Development of the Taxonomy Prototype 5.1. Review and Selection of Appropriate Terms 5.2. Compile Candidate Terms 6. Main Differences 7. Conclusion Appendix: Modified Taxonomy of DR-NTU Reference
1. Introduction
The Digital Repository of Nanyang Technology University (DR-NTU) is a virtual library, which collects and stores the scholarship produced by the NTU community. In this paper we are going to analyze the current taxonomy of the DR-NTU. In addition we are going to propose some changes to the taxonomy based in the idea that the repository is of interest for the global community and no just for the NTU community. 2. Background of DR-NTU
The digital repository (DR) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is the virtual place where the intellectual production of the NTU community is stored, organized and available. The main objective of the repository is that helps for reference and