Evansville, Indiana, was the place of Taylor’s birth. February 3, 1996, was the date. Yea he’s a 90 kid, a popular, rich one. Taylor’s mom was in his life up until he was 16, then this incident separated them. Taylor lived in a home with his mom, where she also ran a meth lab in the back. Taylor then lost his home, his mom got token away, and he became homeless. He wasn’t that close with his dad, so he then lived with his best friend Michael Wood.
Taylor’s failures are kind of drastic. I mean, he was suicidal, wanted to end his life because of his failures. He was a teenager …show more content…
We’re talking about a 19 year old who owns 8 cars, just bought a Aston Martin, last week, and is a billionaire. Taylor says the reason for his fame is his fans. That’s who he thanks, his dad, but also his fans. Taylor also started this trend of wearing bandanas, and tie dye together. Almost every teenage girl, that likes Taylor, does this. That moment when Taylor disappeared from social media, that’s what motivated him.
Overall. Taylor Caniff, is crazy, cute, nice, and adorable human being. People wonder why over 2 millions girls and boys love him, its because of his personality. Taylor sat on the sidewalk, and had a meal with 2 homeless people, then gave them money. It’s usual to give money to homeless people, but not have a meal with them. This sight made people love Taylor even more. He did make a few mistakes, but doesn’t every human. Taylor Caniff has changed peoples goals, hey, he’s a billionaire high school dropout. That’s some great success