2. (TCO 3) Which of the following is included when calculating a country's balance of payments? (Points : 1) Foreign aid Domestic unemployment Domestic inflation rates Foreign inflation rates
3. (TCO 3) Country A is an extremely efficient producer of tin. However, its climate and terrain make it difficult to produce corn. According to the theory of comparative advantage, Country A should: (Points : 1) produce both tin and corn in …show more content…
(TCO 3) An American firm recently criticized a Chinese steel producer for charging a lower price for its products in the United States than it charges in China. If proven to be true, the Chinese firm has engaged in: (Points : 1) industrial protectionism a low labor cost strategy dumping exchange rate manipulation
5. (TCO 1) Foreigners sometimes comment on the ethnocentric attitudes of U.S. businesspeople. This indicates that American businesspeople: (Points : 1) follow the philosophy of "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" quickly accept the suggestions and ideas of others believe their culture is superior to all others take pride in the many ethnic groups that make America a melting pot
6. (TCO 3) The European Union created a single monetary unit to replace the national currencies of twelve member nations. This common currency is known as the: (Points : 1) e-dollar pound mercosur