Safeguarding is keeping children safe from harm. Safeguarding and child protection are closely related which makes it easy to confuse and mix boundaries. Child protection refers to the amount of activities taking place when neglect or abuse is suspected or identified. Confidentiality is very important when working with children, it must stay within the setting and shouldn’t be talked about outside to family or friends. An example of safeguarding in placement that I have experienced would be when a child wasn’t well and had been sick, so we had to send him home due to the safety of other children. Every early year educator must be responsible for every child and need to work with the “every child matters” the five outcomes are: …show more content…
If an early year’s educator didn’t put a child first they are at risk of harm which can lead to Ofsted getting involved.
The United Nations convection is the rights of the child, the convection changed the way children are treated. The rights explain the each child needs to survive and be treated equally no matter what. The United Nations convection makes sure that the people who have signed it are observed properly.
• Article 19 – supports the concept of children having the right to be protected from abuse
• Article 6- states that every child has the inheriting right of life.
• Article 12- states the rights of the child to be heard.
• Article 6- states the rights of freedom.
In every setting, children between 0-3 rely on early years educators for a lot of things, for example eating; children need to be supervised at all times when it comes to dinner or snack. However children between the ages of 3-8 become more independent and don’t need as much support as children aged 0-3 but still need the same duty of