Task A
1. What duty of care means in children and young people settings (Ref. 1.1)
Duty of care in children and young people settings means that we as adults need to keep them safe and to protect them from sexual, physical and emotional harm by giving appropriate attention, watching out for potential hazards, preventing mistakes or accidents, and work within policies and procedures in place about Individual Rights, Children Act., Safeguarding Policies, Confidentiality Policy.
All people who work with children have a duty of care towards them, especially young children who are vulnerable, because they have not yet developed the physical and cognitive skills to care for themselves. So, when children are in our care we need to remember that we take on the same responsibilities as their parents to ensure children safety and well being, but we also need not to forget that parents are their mane carers and we are only temporary ones. We need to remember that before we do any referrals we have clearly discussed it with parents and agreed on it.
We also need to remember that children have rights and needs, and we need to work for their best interests. Some of their rights are: * be listened to * be told what their rights are * be protected from harm
Although, we need to take care of our colleagues, to ensure they work toward their work role and there is no professional neglect. (Be aware of how to raze a ‘wissle blow’).Moreover, we need to support parents who need so by listening to them and their child/ children and advising on the best behalf of the child no matter their religion, gender or culture. Run an inclusive practice and treat everyone as individual, and leave personal views beside it.
2. How this contribute to the safeguarding or protection of individuals (Ref. 1.2)
Everyone who works with babies, children or young people the main responsibility is to protect them from any possible harm. Protecting the rights and needs