Candidate Performance Evidence Record for Holistic Assessment of Units
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Award: Level 3 Diploma. CYPW - 03
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Performance Evidence
Unit No.
Criteria 054 Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings
Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role
In my setting I have a duty of care toward the children and the other people around me .Because the children are young then the greater the duty of care should be as they are more vulnerable at this stage in their lives, it is our duty of care to ensure they are not at risk from anything/one.
To give care that meets the child-I make sure the child is safe and happy in my setting whilst following the nurseries policies and procedures. To assess to identify individuals needs every child must be given the same equality and standard of care whilst respecting their diversity. I and the nursery workers follow all policies and procedures on safeguarding as part of our duty of care.
EYFS guidelines must be met at all times to ensure the children's learning and wellbeing.
Anti-discrimination must be in practice at all times by doing this you will be respecting each child's diversity.
I am a good role model for the children which