1.1Explain what it means to have duty of care in own work role.
1.2Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals.
“A requirement to exercise a reasonable degree of attention and caution to avoid negligence which would lead to harm to other people”
Duty of Care means that keyworkers take on legal responsibilities to safeguard the welfare and wellbeing of the children in their care. This includes appropriate care and attention, watching out for potential hazards and preventing mistakes. Support for individuals within the law and also within the policies, procedures with the setting. It is about avoiding abuse and injury to the child/young person every child should be supported for their individual needs
Risk Assessments: we carry out daily checks to conform to the Health and Safety at work Act with in all areas of our setting this includes food preparation area where we monitor the cleanness and equipment needed, outside looking for trips and fall, broken toys in and outside any harmful substances used are locked away. We revue the accident book on a termly bases to see if any accidents are reoccurring if so we will then look at the situation and change things if needed. We also we carry out and reviewing risk assessments for all of the activities we do and places we visit ensures that thought and concern is given to how we do things every day, this way we ensure risks concerning equipment, venues and activities are minimized and therefore reducing the risk of injury or harm to the children/young people and myself. Recognising potential hazards and eliminating them, this could include infectious diseases too.
Conforming to Legislation: there are many legislations we as a setting have to follow by adhering to laws such as health and safety and safeguarding, we are working within the law which is there to