When a child, young person or adult confide in you, you sometimes need to reassure them that what they have told you will go no further and that what they have told you will remain confidential.
When attending a meeting at school and your going to be told about confidential items, you should let them know about your obligations. In most cases parental consent will be needed before such information is shared with other professionals.
If theres is issues regarding a child who you think maybe at risk from harm or abuse, or there is a legal obligation on the school to disclose the information, this information must be shared with your line manage, or the SENCO if the child has special educational needs.
If a individual has confided in you, there are some situation which you will have to share the information with, Eg: child abuse. you should tell the individual that you can not keep such information to yourself and that you will have to discuss this information with another member of staff, to enable the individual to get the help needed.
There is also information which needs to be accessible to all staff in the school. Eg: Where a child as a specific medical condition such as epilepsy. There must be a agreed system within the school for making sure all staff are aware of these pupils.
Breached Protocols
Medical conditions
Child abuse
Child or young person at