Guidance and support for learners begins at recruitment and selection stage. Prospective learners are interviewed and this combined with application information of prior knowledge, understanding and skills provides a firm foundation for the learner retention and achievement on their chosen programme. This allows me to have a greater understanding of the learner and their ability to succeed on the course. The recruitment and selection process involves a short presentation and role play task related to the industry This gives me the opportunity to see how well they interpret the handout and how well they interact with someone they have only just met, as performing treatments on external clients is an integral part of the course. …show more content…
We in and provides great opportunity for curriculum staff to observe interpersonal skills and engaging with external clients. Once the learner has been accepted onto their chosen course, they have an induction. This is where I provide the learners with all the information they need regarding college procedures and policies.
The learners are also advised at this point of the guidance role that we as lecturers offer throughout their learning experience at the college. Therefore I agree with Gray et al (2000) who state that effective student guidance is integral to successful learning and achievement. When offering a supportive role to my learners I make myself available to them. Also giving them my email address and work room number helps students feel supported and it also helps my retention of students in the long term, as I have built up a good relationship with them.
3.2 Example of implementing college G&S policies
I am committed to supporting the college policies, maintain strong links between the student services to ensure that I provide support, guidance, building positive relationships throughout and my knowledge underpins my thinking and practice in guidance and support. Ayrshire College does not have a guidance and support policy but it is incorporated within the Inclusive Learning Procedure. I have referred learners to student services for PLSP assessment, involving their guidance lecturer by including them in the email.
Agreeing with Gray et al (2000) our aim at Ayrshire College is to work closely with guidance advisors to ensure the appropriate support is advised and that we are all kept up to date on our learners’ circumstances. Even though I am not this particular group’s guidance lecturer, I have a student within this group that felt I was the person they wanted to speak to regarding a personal issue. This learner was previously a model student, very vibrant and enthusiastic but had in the last three weeks became less engaged and started to become withdrawn. I spoke to her on a couple of occasions and made a point of checking if there was anything I could help the student with, the student then confided in me and it became apparent it was a safeguarding issue. I advised the student that I would need to report her concerns to the safe guarding team, line manager and student services adviser. I followed the roles and responsibilities for handling disclosures in accordance with college safeguarding policy and procedures. From following these procedures and allowing the relevant actions to be put into place, the learner agreed to a counselling session arranged by the college if I attended the first one with her as moral support and she now continues with these on a regular basis with the student services advisor now present instead of myself. My response was appropriate and proportionate and I continue to support the student as she progresses through the course. The learner personally thanked me for recognising the signs of struggle and for being able to utilise college procedure/policy to help her to be able to cope and manage her personal circumstances more positively. This learner is now fully engaging in all aspects of the course.
3.3 External G&S initiatives including legislation
I meet the requirements of external support and guidance initiatives by ensuring that I have knowledge of relevant legislations. The Equality Act 2010 aims to protect people. My professional reading about the 9 protected characteristics has influenced how I approach the wider roles and responsibilities of guidance and support. I have found this easier to understand than having to look at various acts and legislation. Learners are made aware that the Acts are there to protect them. My group on entry completed an Equality and Diversity form and this information is used to help Ayrshire College’s aims to provide provision for all and to ensure improvement in all our services (Ayrshire College, 2014). As a lecturer I am continually attending and updating my support and guidance CDP, Equality and Diversity workshops are mandatory and regularly updated. I have recently attended more updated courses on Moodle and Smart board training so I can upload all my notes and demonstrations for the benefit of the learner, thus making sure no one is excluded in any way. It enables me to provide better access to learning activities for my group. I try to create follow up activities that the group can access on Moodle to help them, this provides opportunity for students to reinforce and consolidate classroom learning thus promoting successful learning. It also provides access to learners that may not have been able to attend a lesson or need more time to complete their tasks. This creates an environment that supports the learner’s individual needs.