Assignment 001
Task A
Guidance Document
Lifelong Learning Tutor Guidance
Welcome to the staff team, at this learning centre we value our tutors. We hope you will find the information you need to be a successful tutor written here. The aim of the guidance is to support you to provide the best possible learning experience, in partnership with others, for your students.
The guidance information has been grouped into three key areas; a healthy and safe learning environment; learning centre staff roles and supporting students.
This guidance is underpinned by training we provide for out tutors.
A healthy and safe learning environment
To maintain a healthy and safe learning environment it is important …show more content…
As well as supporting an understanding of appropriate behaviour and demonstrating respect for each other it is also essential in ensuring each student is able to get the most out of the learning opportunity. As a tutor you have a key role in ensuring support needs of students are identified and met. A good understanding of equality and diversity, including the nine protected characteristics and types of discrimination covered, will help to avoid litigation under the Equalities Act 2010 and ensure compliance with Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework. The ‘Embedding equality and diversity into everyday practice, Post 16 Education Toolkit’ which can be accessed at has excellent information for tutors in the lifelong learning …show more content…
As a tutor you may become aware of potential risk of or actual harm by or to a student which involves an adult, young person or child. This means you have a role in helping to, expose, stop and report neglect and abuse by contacting our safeguarding officer on 0191 478 0955 to discuss any concerns. The government has produced up to date information which can be found at This states ‘the Government believes that safeguarding is everybody’s business,’ (2013). There is also an easy read version which some students may find useful. There is comprehensive information in ‘Safeguarding and protecting children – an introduction’ (2011) at