The aim of this assignment is to understand the role, responsibilities and relationships of a Teacher in the Lifelong Learning sector, by summarising codes of practice and the relevant legislation that relates to the roles and responsibilities of a teacher. Also understanding the importance of Equality and Diversity and how this is vital to learners and teachers, both in terms of promoting Equality and Diversity but also in identifying and meeting the needs of learners. Also to understand professional relationships between teaching staff and other professionals involved in learning and overall student welfare, through analysis of the boundaries and barriers to learning and also when referral to other services is appropriate. Finally to understand the teachers responsibilities in building and maintaining a safe learning environment conducive to learning and promoting appropriate behaviour to allow students to reach their full potential.
All Teachers must have a good understanding of current legislation that is relevant to their workplace; it is also their responsibility to ensure that their teaching practice adheres to it. The Equality act 2010 is legislation that lawfully protects individuals against discrimination “It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone” (Gov.UK 2013). There are nine protected characteristics within the act which are age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race and religion or belief. Teachers have a responsibility to make learning available to all, making reasonable adjustments to make either learning material or classrooms more accessible, i.e. large print or using different coloured paper to support those with visual
References: GOV.UK (2013) Equality Act 2010: guidance [online] (2013) UK Available from Https:// [Accessed 04/05/2013] Association of Teachers and Lecturers (2013) Health and Safety Legislation [Online] (2013) UK Available from Http:// [Accessed 03/05/2013] Reece, I and Walker, S (2007) Teaching, Training and Learning: A practical guide (6th Edn). Tyne & Wear: Business Education Publishers.