1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities
It would be my responsibility as a teacher to keep within the boundaries of the law and comply with the rules and codes of professional practice of the particular organisation in which I was employed.
In regard to the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), although safety within the classroom would be the responsibility of all, I, as the teacher, would be legally responsible and should lead by example. I would need to know where the policies were stored, the names of key staff and their whereabouts, and make risk assessments to ensure a safe learning environment.
As a teacher within the creative arts sector I would have to have a strong knowledge of the Copyright , Design and Patents Act (1998) and subsequent amendments of 2003, and be accountable in terms of reproduction of material and the accessing of video footage from the internet, whilst acknowledging original sources using a reference system such as Harvard.
In regard to the Equality Act (2010), it would be a regulatory requirement to practice within its boundaries and create a learning environment where all can participate and fulfil their potential, being aware of different forms of discrimination, direct, indirect, by association or perception against people with ‘protected characteristics’ such as race, gender, gender and sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage/civil partnership and age.
I would also have to knowledge of the Data Protection Act (1998) (where information on students can only be forwarded to people directly involved with students or the organisation), and be knowledgeable of the requirements of the regulatory body Ofsted, and the terms and conditions of my employment and not be in breach of my 'duty of care '.
References: Gravells, A (2011 &2012) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Exeter: Learning Matters http://www.equalityanddiversity.co.uk/samples/sample-embedding-equality-and diversity-into-everyday-practice.pdf Date assessed 31/05/13 Wilson, L. (2008) Practical Teaching: A guide to PTLLS and CTLLS, Andover: Cengage. Gravells, A (2011 &2012) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Exeter: Learning Matters ptllsresource.co.uk/resources/ptlls-assignments Date acsessed4/06/2013 McColl, H. (2010) ‘why aren’t they learning? Some common barriers’ www.hilarymccoll.co.uk/resources/wtcommon%20barriers.pdf Accessed …….