Assignment 4 Task 4 (2.1 and 2.3)
Boundaries ground our ethics and they are important to recognising our limitations and realising when change is needed. Obvious boundaries such as the appropriateness of the teacher/learner relationship are strong ethical issues.
As teachers, we need to maintain and model a standard of morality and protect ourselves from intrusion into our personal life and space. This can prove quite difficult because we are under constant pressure to promote a culture of accessibility by using nonconventional communication methods such as emails and social media. However, this holds an increased potential for over-familiar relationships. To protect ourselves, we need to be strict about communication and be familiar with the policies of the institution regarding this subject. Common sense boundaries such as not engaging in sexual relationships or illegal activities with students and not divulging or asking for home address and telephone numbers are key in keeping a good reputation and a teaching position. Other boundaries such as using appropriate language and keeping compliments to a minimum are essential to maintaining a professional atmosphere.
Regarding boundaries we should uphold with other professionals, I believe being professional and respectful and promoting confidentiality are important rules in creating a relaxed and ethical work atmosphere. A personal relationship with another colleague should not be made obvious and avoiding over familiarity contributes to staying professional. If problems arise about another staff member we cannot criticise in front of students or other members of staff as this will create additional problems.
The issue of social boundaries is a complex and sensitive area that applies to us all in everyday life. At work, we have an obligation to assess how our personal boundaries affect learners.
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