Effective discipline is a challenge for all educators. “The issue of discipline, also referred to as classroom management, continues to surface as one of the most challenging problems in education today” (“The Discipline Dilemma: Problems and Promises.”). Research suggests in order to maintain a well-disciplined classroom, teachers must establish rules and expectations, enforce limits of rules, encourage and reinforce positive behavior, and effectively manage their classrooms. Effective discipline begins with rules, enforced with logical and meaningful consequences. Desired behavior is encouraged and positively reinforced. Teachers who manage their classroom efficiently use discipline as a teaching tool so students benefit and learn stability, order, respect, and values of law. “Strictly speaking, discipline means to teach, not to punish” ("Discipline as Teaching").Setting clear, firm rules and expectation which leave little room for interpretation will establish a solid foundation by which a classroom will function. Begin the school year by setting clear rules, and using good morals and values to build positive expectations. The use of positive language will promote the behavior desired from students. Setting positive rules and expectations will give teachers and students the right mindset to start the school year off right. Start the school year off by setting clear rules. “The formulation of classroom rules from the beginning of the year has been found to be one of the most important components of effective discipline” ("Discipline in K through 8th Grade Classrooms") The first day of school, while teachers are getting to know students and vice versa, is a good day to establish what is expected before any misbehavior can occur. Involve students in the rule making process. This allows them to voice what they expect of their classmates. Depending on the age of students, teachers may
Cited: Conte, Anthony E. The Discipline Dilemma: Problems and Promises Education. 2. 115. 308. Chemlynski, Carol. Discipline as Teaching. Education Digest. 3. 62. 42. Geiger, Brenda. Discipline in K through 8th Grade Classrooms. Education Digest. 2. 121. 383. Curwin, Richard L. `Discipline with dignity: Beyond obedience. Education Digest. 4. 63. 11. Metzger, Margaret. Learning to Discipline. Phi Delta Kappan. 1. 84. 170. McDaniel, Thomas R. A Back-to-Basics Approach to Classroom Discipline. Cleaning House. 5. 67. 254 Brainard, Edward. Classroom Management: Seventy-Three Suggestions for Secondary School Teachers. Cleaning House. 4. 74. 207.