Frances Fan
Assessment received:
Tutor:(if applicable)
David Shorter
Student ID
Student Name
Shannon-Lee Perkins
Unit Code ESH202 Unit Name
Planning for Positive Behaviour
Assessment Title/Number
Assessment 1 Essay
Word Count
I declare that all material in this assessment is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference to the work of others and I have complied and agreed to the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on the University website at *
Signed Shannon-Lee Perkins Date 26/04/13
*By submitting this assessment and cover sheet electronically, in whatever form, you are deemed to have made the declaration set out above.
Assessor’s feedback:
Assessor’s Signature (optional) : Dated: “To provide the best learning environment for their students, teachers need to have good classroom management skills” (Pass, 2007). For teachers to be effective in their role they need to have in place different models of behaviour management. Behaviour management is important not only for the teacher to be able to teach but also so that all students are in an environment that they can learn and feel safe (Cope, 2005). There are three main theories when it comes to discipline and behaviour they are Management Theories, Leadership Theories and Non-directive Intervention Theories. Discipline and management theories can vary in approach, some expect the teacher to develop a better understanding of their students on a personal level, in a way in which they may find out the underlying cause to the students
References: Allen, H.D.,(1996). Seven Models of Discipline. Developing A Discipline Plan for You. Retrieved from: Bechuke,A.L.& Debeila,J.R.(2012).Applying Choice Theory in Fostering Discipline: Managing and Modifying Challenging Learners Behaviours in South African Schools. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Retrieved from: Cope, B.(2005). How to Make A Classroom Management Plan. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson SprintPrint. Edwards, C.H. & Watts, V.,(2004). Classroom Discipline and Management. Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons Australia. Konza, D., Grainger, J., & Bradshaw, K.(2001) Classroom Management A Survival Guide. Katoomba,NSW: Social Science Press Pass, S., (2007). A Classroom Discipline Plan That Teaches Democracy. Issues in Teacher Education. Retrieved from: Sequeria,C.,(2007).Choice Theory in the Classroom. Journalof Adventist Education. Retrieved from: