Assignment 1
Sharon Pereira
Student number 220048774
You have been asked to write a short paper as part of your application for employment as a teacher at a new school. In this paper you are required to explain your understanding of the purpose of classroom discipline and discuss your approach to student behaviour in relation to each of these models: counselling, democratic, research-based empirical, behavioural, cognitive and social learning, assertive discipline and the ecological and ecosystemic. You are also expected to articulate in this paper the nature of the relationship between student behaviour, learning and academic success in the classroom.
Referencing of current research literature is expected as part of the application, including a reference list, in order for your interview panel to assess the currency and quality of your knowledge in the area.
Every child has the right to an education in an environment that is inclusive. As a teacher, it is a balancing act to create a positive learning environment, that takes into account the differing needs, abilities, and emotional, social and behavioural issues that students have. A positive learning environment is one that engages students and supports their needs whilst also promoting academic growth and development. There are eight different models to approach student behaviour that will be discussed in this paper. During the course of this paper all eight models will be explored and the nature of these and their relationship between student behaviour, learning and academic success with be clarified.
In previous decades the role of the teacher was a different one. Learning used to involve a teacher standing at the front of a classroom talking and expecting their students to soak up their knowledge like sponges. In today’s classroom, it is a recognised fact that all students need to learn in an environment of mutual respect