The importance of teacher-student relationships will forever be an increasing factor in students’ academic achievements and behaviors. The general topic for this research is how teacher-student relationships affect students’ academic achievements develop or destroy their behavioral skills. This topic brings about a lot of conflicts that leads to many unanswered questions such as ‘What happens to the teacher-student relationships after the early school years?” Due to the fact that students go through their most important developmental changes during their middle school years. The goal of this study is to advance our under- standing of the longitudinal connections between teacher–child relationships and children’s academic and behavioral development across elementary schools. The criteria used in analyzing and comparing literature was conducting a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) using a cooperative agreement that used the scientific collaboration between grantees and NICHD staff. The sequence of this review is set up in a very articulate and organized arrangement. The scope was very limited was seen in this review by the NICHD on Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels. In this study, the keywords are evident in the topic it self, such as: academic achievement which is the level of actual accomplishment or proficiency one has achieved in an academic areas, as opposed to one’s potential. Behavioral Problem is a behavior that is annoying or destructive. Maternal Characteristics are having the qualities of, or befitting a mother. The most important keyword and definition in this study is teacher-student relationship, which is the basic relationship with teachers and the students that they instruct. In this research the teacher-student relationships are based on being positive and impacting the students’
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