Jiwei Xue, Yonggao Li, Lifeng Zhang School of Computer Science & Information Technology
Northeast Petroleum University
Daqing, China xuejiwei@163.com, liyonggao8@163.com, zlflx@163.com
Abstract—Teachers ' professional development had become an international trend in the reform of teacher education, attracted global attention and was a subject of great theoretical significance proposed by the practice of contemporary education reformation. Educational Technology is the breakthrough of education reformation, and teachers ' professional development of educational technology has also aroused the interest from all walks of life. After analyzing the current status of professionalism of educational technology teacher and studying the knowledge of them from the viewpoint of knowledge sharing, this paper proposed some strategies of teachers ' knowledge sharing so as to promote the professional development of teachers in educational technology.
Keywords-teacher professionalism; educational technology; knowledge sharing; practical knowledge; Project-Oriented teaching mode
In the era of knowledge economy, it 's not enough for teachers to have the lofty responsibilities and dedication. It calls excellent teachers with more professional expertise. Nowadays, teachers ' specialization is becoming an international tendency in education reformation, attracts attentions in many countries.
The current study of teachers ' specialization manifests mainly in the following aspects:
• Enhance the economic benefits and social status of teachers, and create a favorable environment.
• Establish the perfect security system of teachers ' specialization.
• Reform the education of teachers, and train a group of excellent teachers.
The understandings of researchers are various about "Teacher professional development", which can roughly be divided into two categories: one is that the
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