It’s government’s responsibility to explore all possible ways in which it can meet its commitment to Education while still maintaining Macro-Economic stability. The greatest percentages of Ugandans live below the poverty line. The more reason we are struggling with poverty eradication programs.
This means the poor live in subsistence Economies, eating food that they grow and bartering goods for services. The values of money to them are less significant than richer people living in cities. What they need are social services, especially education and health services on top of security. Of course government economists argue that “investing more in teachers, Health workers, police and the civil services in will increase government spending in wage bill and create inflation”.
They say; hiring more employee’s or increasing workers’ pay will in effect put more money into people’s pockets, and therefore more money in circulation, increasing demand for goods, causing rising of prices and subsequently causing inflation.
We know that government agreed to meet IMF/World bank conditions of single digit inflation target, avoiding budget deficits, structural adjustment programs(SAPs), Poverty Reduction under poverty Reduction and Growth facility(PRGF) and (PRSP) Poverty Reduction Strategy Programme Policy Support Instruments(PSI) and Exogenous stock Facility(ESF).
These continue to constrain government spending with devastating impacts on education and health services particularly the Teachers, Doctors and Nurses and other support staff in sectors; The final impact is what we always hear called SAPS and in or local language staff ceilings.
This certainly constraints government and it cannot have more teachers eventually failing to meet the millennium Development Education targets of 40:1 Teacher pupil ratio.
This of course impacts on the quality of Education especially in our schools where UPE and USE have