Heath Currie
Health and Transitions NRSG-1015-40-14W
Fanshawe College
One of the course requirements for the class Health and Transitions Term Two that has been clearly outlined in the course syllabus is that the students must participate in a group assignment. The assignment is to work with two to three other classmates and create, then present an e-learning module. The objective of the e-learning module is outlined with criteria provided in the grading rubric. This is only part one of a two part assignment. The second part of the assignment is to discuss our e-learning module and present this discussion in the form of a scholarly paper to our Teacher. The second part of the assignment is to …show more content…
As stated in the guidelines of the assignment we are allowed to narrow our topic down and choose a target audience. “End-of-Life - Comfort Cancer Pain Management” is the title of the e-learning module. The target audience that we aimed our e-learning module towards is nursing students and registered nurses. The next actions taken, to move forward in creating our e-learning module is to gather scholarly information and assess the target audiences learning …show more content…
Andragogy emphasizes the value of the process of learning. Andragogy learning is problem based and collaborative rather than didactic (QOTFC). It is of my opinion that the e-learning module does not reflect this theory. It is not collaborative and does not demonstrate equality between the teacher and the student. We did use an asynchronous style by developing an e-learning module that is interactive and available to the learner at their convenience.
We outlined the objectives, and goal. The e-learning module precisely follows the order of objectives, and elaborates them clearly. The e-learning module is narrated to reinforce learning. The e-learning module was built with power point, and then the file was converted so that it could be accessible on YouTube. By doing this file conversion we are able to share our work on many other social media sights. This also gave us the ability to post our e-learning module outside of the discussion board, and we did pass the link of our e-learning module to all of our classmates and invited them to provide