Identify if article has a review of literature.
Yes, This article definitely has a review of literature, it is a compilation from a lot of information the author studied and applied to the specific topic she was addressing.
Determine the purpose of the article.
The purpose of the article is to make medical professionals aware of the signs and symptoms of depression in older adults. It was to establish a less biased approach to evaluating the mood of each client rather than always assuming that it is normal and expected for an older adult to be sad or withdrawn. It was to identify and acknowledge the screening and treatment tools available to healthcare professionals to promote their use in daily clinical settings.
Identify population used in study.
The populations used in the study were men and female ages 65 and older
Identify method used in study.
Methods used in the studies were mainly collecting data and utilizing the research to answer the question. Also randomized clinical trials.
Determine the findings of study.
The study found that older adults have multiple benefits from being treated for their depression rather than summing it up to old age. Depression in older adults was associated with cardiovascular disease due to its association with decreased physical activity. It also showed correlation with depression and unhealthy diet, which also leads to, increased prevalence of diabetes and other obesity co-morbidities. The study seemed to solidify the benefits of treating the older adults; it showed that the patients that were treated for their depression found higher rates of medication compliance, less depression specific caregiver burden.
Describe the information in your article can be implemented into your nursing practice.
The information in the article really seemed can be applied to all areas of our nursing practice. We can implement many of the tools mentioned in the article. Also, it gave a lot of