Team C
May 18, 2015
Staci Lowe
Literature Review
Elderly are not immune to mental health issues. The research question is “How does social support impact the mental health of the elderly?” The research question will allow the study to see what types of social supports help the elderly reduce the mental health issues they face. It will synthesize and evaluate the data, and explain the importance of the topic to establish ways to cite statistics how social support impacts the elderly. It will also establish the key variable, and statistics of the problem areas affecting the elder in mental health. In helping guide readers in a long literature review, a topic-by-topic description will be used to provide major …show more content…
As the text states, “The heart of every research project is the problem.” (Practical Research Planning and Design, It Ch. 3). Once a specific research problem is formulated, reading the literature review on the issue is the first step. It is crucial that we know the information on our review very well if we can present our findings with confidence. One can find a literature review in several places, albeit in a library catalog or online database. Through the literature review, “Social Support, Loneliness, and Depression in the Elderly,” it was discovered that there are many factors in the topic of social services impacting the mental health in the …show more content…
Journal of Affective Disorder. Vol. 142, Issue 1, 172-170. Retrieved from:
Cobb, S. (1976). Social support as a monderator of life stress. Psychometric Medicine. 38, 300- 314.
Cohen, S., Syme, S. L. (1985). Issues in the application and study of social support. Social Support and health Orlando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 3-22.
Fessman, N. & Lester, D. (2000). Loneliness and depression amon elderly nuring home patients. International Journal of Aging and Human Department, 51, 137-141.
Friske, A., Wetherell, J. L., & Gatz, M. (2009). Depression in the older adluts. Annual Review Of Clinical Psychology, 5, 363-389, doi: 10.1146/annurer.clinpsy.032408.153621. Retrieved from
Maimaris, W., Hogan, H., Lock, K. (2010). The impact of working beyond traditional retirement age on mental health: Implications for public health and welfare policy. Public Health Reviews (2107-6952). Vol. 32, Issue 2, 535-548.
Paukert, A., Pettit, J., Kunik, M., Wilson, N., Novy, D., Rhodes, H. Greisinger, A., Wehmanen, O., Stanely, M. (2010, December). The role of social support and self-efficacy in