What is the role of the family and church in crisis intervention?
upport and accountability on) .
Support and accountability:
“When you hit the wall, and your coping skills are not enough, support is critical”. In the presentation: Peer Support and Accountability, Straub presented the SAFER model a five step intervention to help the individual put words to a crisis event.
Stabilize (introduction; meet basic needs; mitigate acute stressors)
Acknowledge the crisis (event, reactions)
Facilitate understanding (normalization)
Encourage effective coping (mechanisms of action)
Recovery or Referral (facilitate access to continued care)
Role of the church:
The role of the church is to be present. It requires the church to take an active and immediate response to crisis. According to Straub (n.d) the church must establish support and peer accountability. In order to truly assist those in need, the church must be equipped with individual from a diverse background, so they are able to relate and understand an individual how is living a similar situation to their past. Straub (n.d) gave the example of veterans. If an individual who has suffered a major trauma seeks for help they may feel like the counselor is unable to understand or related to their struggles. It is very important that the church is diverse enough that they are able to speak the language of those in need.
Role of Family:
Everly, S. G., Lating , M. J. (2013). A Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress. (3rd Ed). New York: Springer.
Straub, J. (n.d.). Peer Support and Accountability, (Video). Retrieved from https://learn.liberty.edu